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Diabetes and Your Feet

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a common condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than they should be. Blood sugar levels are regulated by the release of the hormone insulin. People who suffer from diabetes either don’t produce enough insulin, or their body is resistant to the effects of insulin.

Diabetics have an increased risk of ulcers and damage to their feet so regular diabetic podiatry is important to overall health and wellbeing. Simple foot problems can escalate very quickly into more serious issues, so it is vital to get any problems checked out immediately. People with diabetes need to take extra care of their feet and should have them checked by a HCPC registered Podiatrist every 6 to 12 months because of the potential risks.

  • REGULAR CHECKS: patients with diabetes should have their feet examined regularly by their Podiatrist to check their circulation, skin condition and sensory capacity – learn more and book here for a diabetic foot check.
  • BEST FOOT FORWARD: keep on top of dry or cracked skin on your feet with regular podiatry treatments and a good quality foot cream to use at home as this will minimise the risk of infection from broken skin.
  • IF THE SHOE FITS: poorly fitting shoes and rigid seams or design details can irritate the skin and even lead to abrasions which in turn can increase the risk of infection. Make sure your feet have been measured recently and that you’re wearing comfortable footwear suitable for diabetic patients.

 Diabetes and your feet